Ceramtec Lohmar
Wir machen Produktionshallen sicherer und agiler - mit unseren Industrieboden-Beschichtungen.
Industrial, storage and operational areas include production and storage areas, machine foundations, open spaces, parking garages, parking areas, gas stations, tank farms, but also offices, work and recreation rooms. These floors are more than just a subfloor or load-bearing surface - they are an expression of the overall quality and attitude of the user: they are a company's business card. Technically state-of-the-art and visually high-quality, our floors are the basis for qualitative processes. They are a clear signal to all employees and a message to customers. Our services not only ensure greater occupational safety through slip resistance, for example, but can also visually enhance your areas, corridors, foyers through variable design options.
Our special solutions for water protection (WHG), for agricultural operations (cow stalls) and for test and race tracks (sliding surfaces) round off the portfolio of floor coatings.
True to the motto: Perfect products start with a perfect floor