Paving Professionals
The POSSEHL Spezialbau GmbH & Co. KG

The professionals for surfaces
For more than 65 years

POSSEHL SPEZIALBAU GmbH & Co. KG has been active since 1956 in the field of value-preserving and use-securing rehabilitation of traffic areas, industrial and operational areas as well as airfields.

The company is headquartered in Sprendlingen, Rheinhessen. In order to operate closer to the customer, POSSEHL SPEZIALBAU is divided into regional divisions and operating units as well as additional branch offices. The special pavement division for traffic and aviation surfaces is also located in Sprendlingen and operates nationwide.

From the very beginning, it has been part of our corporate principle to offer all construction services, including preparatory and ancillary work, "from a single source" - to the benefit of our clients.

We see one of our special strengths in the interlocking cooperation of the individual specialist departments. Behind POSSEHL SPEZIALBAU there is always a team of experienced specialists in the field of surface construction and repair, who use their knowledge and know-how in a concentrated way for tailor-made problem solutions for the benefit of the customer.

Surface construction, among others. KATFIX DSK, EP-GRIP®, FL8SAFE, Rapid concrete SB20, preservation of asphalt, cutting and jointing technology as well as ablative processes such as grooving & grinding, milling and shot peening, are carried out professionally, reliably and on schedule.

We process high-quality, construction-chemical cds® products from our subsidiarycds Polymere GmbH & Co. KG to improve the surface properties of concrete and asphalt.

POSSEHL SPEZIALBAU GmbH is a prequalified construction company and is listed under No. 101.000199 with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualifizierung und Bewertung GmbH (link toPQ list).

It is a declared company policy that in all activities the health and safety of employees as well as other persons are paramount, environmental protection is duly observed and damage to fixed assets is prevented. We have therefore made it our business to carry out active operational prevention work with the support of external partners by providing our employees with regular safety training and instruction and by carrying out regular occupational safety checks on our construction sites.

  • 1956

    Possehl Chemie und Isolierstoffe GmbH, Hamburg, establishes a construction division under the name Possehl Chemie und Isolierstoffe, Hamburg, Wiesbaden representation.

  • 1959

    Acquisition and foundation of the building yard in Sprendlingen

  • 1960

    Company name as a branch of Possehl Chemie und Isolierstoffe GmbH, Hamburg with registered office in Wiesbaden.

  • 1965

    Execution of first orders in neighbouring countries

  • 1968

    Foundation of Possehl Chemie u. Isolierstoffe Ges.mbH in Wals near Salzburg, Austria (later Griffen)

  • 1975

    Establishment of the Bavel office in Holland

  • 1980

    Entry as POSSEHL SPEZIALBAU GMBH in the Wiesbaden Commercial Register.

    DEGEBAU, a subsidiary of Deutsche Shell AG Hamburg, acquires 50% of the shares.

  • 1984

    Founding of the Possehl Aannemingsmaatschappij B.V. in Oosterhout, Netherlands

  • 1989

    Foundation of a subsidiary in Maribor, Slovenia

  • 1995

    Repurchase of the 50 % shares from DEGEBAU

  • 2001

    Foundation of a subsidiary in Croatia

  • 2008

    New headquarters building / relocation of the headquarters from Wiesbaden to Sprendlingen

  • 2012

    Spin-off of the cds building protection products division into an independent subsidiary - cds Polymere GmbH & Co. KG
