With our services in the area of traffic surfaces, we renovate, repair and renew concrete and asphalt surfaces and thus ensure a longer service life.
Work with a view
DSK at Holstentor
Bad roads are - especially in inner-city areas - an almost everyday sight. However, cracks and small irregularities are often the beginning of the end for these road surfaces. If countermeasures are not taken in time, a complete replacement of the pavement is often unavoidable. And this is exactly where KATFIX DSK can show all its advantages as an asphalt rescuer, because applied in time, the thin asphalt wearing course in cold construction can not only "save" the road, but also significantly extend the service life of the underlying pavement.
In POSSEHL's home town of Lübeck, this construction method has already shown convincing results in other projects. From May to August 2022, POSSEHL Spezialbau also rehabilitated inner-city roads and traffic routes in the Hanseatic city with a total area of around 210,000m2. An absolute highlight of the overall project was the rehabilitation of the streets around the landmark of the city of Lübeck - the Holsten Gate. Since the streets around the gate also form a central traffic axis of the city, there were a number of challenges to be mastered here. This section of the project was therefore carried out as a night and weekend construction site, in part with full road closures, as some intersection areas also had to be rehabilitated. The DSK pavement was applied on a total of 5,500m2 within two nights - traffic was released after the marking work at noon on Sunday and thus even earlier than planned.
Now, not only the Holsten Gate shines as brightly as ever, but also the streets around it. These now have an optimal and safe road surface again for the next few years.

Christian Kleinert
Subsidiary Manager Microsurfacing